When searching the internet for great value web hosting packages, you may see hosting advertised as unlimited but what exactly does that mean?
Well, the term unlimited web hosting usually refers to the amount of data usage you receive in the form of disk space and bandwidth, along with other services.
Choosing a hosting package with unlimited disk space means you can host much larger websites as you can host an unlimited number of files. Unlimited disk space is especially useful for ecommerce websites where there are a large number of high quality product images to display or there is a large catalogue of products.
Choosing a hosting package with unlimited bandwidth is essential for larger websites that receive a high volume of traffic as it ensures the site is always available. When bandwidth is limited, there may be times where the site shows an unavailable message resulting in lost customers or lower Google rankings.
Other services often included in unlimited hosting packages are unlimited databases for setting up your websites, unlimited subdomains for setting up different sections of your website such as blogs, shops and client logins, and unlimited email accounts.
Is the hosting really unlimited?
In the majority of cases, the hosting packages aren’t entirely unlimited; there are fair usage limits in place but these are normally set so high that most users will never exceed the limits. As the hosting packages use shared resources, one user using an unusually excessive amount of data can have a negative impact on the hosting of other users websites, so certain limitations are in place to protect everyone.
NetNerd offer a range of unlimited hosting packages including a variety of unlimited services, details of the acceptable use can be found at https://dev2.netnerd.com/acceptable-use-policy/. If you’re looking for great value unlimited hosting package, view our options and purchase online today.