Malware Cleanup Service

  • Websites cleaned of hacks and secured against future attacks

  • 125 per site
    (this may cost more if you have over 250 infected files due to the respective time overhead)

Malware Cleanup and Removal

It’s not a pleasant finding out that your website has been hacked, is it? Knowing that the internet presence used to represent you or your business has had someone intrude in it? Knowing it’s happened is one thing, but knowing what to do about it can be a challenge.

Our malware and hacking clean up service is available for you if you don’t know what to do when find your site has been hacked.

Has your site been hacked and you don't know what to do?

We’ll can clean and secure your site for you.

Has your website started redirecting to a site that it shouldn't?

We’ll find the source of the redirection, address it, and prevent it from happening again.

Has your site suddenly started displaying a Google safesearch warning?

We’ll remove the malware, spam links, phishing sites and request a review with Google.

Have your customers started reporting your site behaving strangely or spamming them?

We’ll find  the cause of any unwanted behaviour, address it, and take preventative measures to stop it happening again in the future.

[rt_pricing_table_style pricing_table_style_variation=”four” pricing_table_title=”Malware Clean Up Service” pricing_table_currency_symbol=”£” pricing_table_price=”125.00″ pricing_table_period=”/site” pricing_table_tagline=”(this may cost more if you have over 250 infected files due to the respective time overhead)” pricing_table_button=”CONTACT SUPPORT” pricing_table_highlight=”spotlight” pricing_table_button_link=”” pricing_table_color=”#0abc5f”]

  • Malware scanning and detection
  • Malware removal
  • Backdoor removal
  • CMS Patching and updates
  • Vulnerability scanning and mitigation
  • Safesearch warning removal requests
  • Secure backups
  • CMS hardening


Got a question? Get in touch with our malware removal today.

Frequently Asked Questions

[rt_accordion_style][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Why do people hack websites?”]There’s not one purpose behind hacking. The only person that really knows why for sure is the party that’s doing the hacking. Some hackers will hack sites just because they can or to deface them. A lot of hackers will try to use your site as a means to use server side resources such as a mail server to send spam, or CPU power to mine bitcoins. Other hackers will use your site to generate backlinks to other sites to gain a greater domain authority. In some cases hackers will inject phishing sites to trick people in to providing their details, passwords, or even payment information.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Will I know if my website has been hacked?”]You won’t always know if your site has been hacked. Most hackers don’t want you to notice that you’ve been hacked, so they’ll do what they can to keep your site functioning as you’d expect. There may be some tell tale signs such as an increase in bandwidth, or your site being slow and sluggish. Sometimes there are more obvious indications such as your site redirecting, or your customers telling you your site is sending them spam. You can contact us to request a malware scan if you’re concerned about this.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”I’ve heard that WordPress is worse for being hacked is this true?”]Wordpress does tend to attract malicious activity. WordPress core itself is stable and secure, but you have to bear in mind that the plugins and themes you install are all made by different individuals or organisations, so there’s quite a “team effort” effect. This means that all the parties that have contributed to your WordPress installation need to be securing their code bases and patching against discovered vulnerabilities in a timely manner. It also means that you have to be conscious of plugins or themes that are no longer being supported, patched or developed, as these can pose a security risk. This isn’t so much a WordPress problem, but more relates to the operation of an open platform for which anyone can develop. Whilst this does pose some security implications, this is also what gives WordPress it’s versatility and flexibility, which you don’t get with some other CMS’.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”What Happens if I Use Your Service and Get Hacked Again?”]If you get hacked within a month of us patching and securing your website, we’ll carry out the same work for free. We may also have to take your devices, end points and how you’re operating in to account. Whilst we can’t completely cover what you do, we will endeavour to provide any help or assistance that will keep your website hack free and secure in the future.[/rt_accordion_style_item][rt_accordion_style_item accordion_item_title=”Is the Cost Per Site or Per CPanel Account?”]The quoted cost is per site, but there’s some flexibility on pricing if you’re using a multi site type hosting account. We have to secure your cPanel as part of the clean up and hardening process. Please feel free to contact us if you need any more information about this.[/rt_accordion_style_item][/rt_accordion_style]